Monday, November 19, 2018

5 *Actually* Cool Activewear Brands You Need To Know


The Wardrobe Staples Every French Girl Owns


There's no denying that French girls understand the benefits of a capsule wardrobe.


If like us, you're blessed/cursed with a proclivity for changing up your vibe on the regular or shopping on a whim, here's 5 timeless french-girl pieces that will help to keep you looking casual and chic everyday... 



5 *Actually* Cool Activewear Brands You Need To Know


Lately we've been stumbling across a bunch of brands making cute workout clothes that have got our hearts racing faster than a 30 minute session on the treadmill. Simple and cool, they can be worn everyday (even for athleisure trend naysayers like myself).


Get excited to live your most active life below!"



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