Before stepping out for lunch to celebrate her mother-in-law Anju Bhavnani's birthday with her husband Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone posted this picture to Instagram which instantly racked up over a million likes. Demna Gvasalia's vision for this red Balenciaga ruffle collar blouse had vintage-inspirations, but that isn't quite what Deepika had in mind when she styled it with latex leggings. The best way to wear…
Taylor Swift made her debut TikTok appearance to promote the vinyl pre-release of 'Red (Taylor's Version)'.In her TikTok first video, the singer lip-synced to the track 'Screwface Capital' by Dave.Why did she select that song? Because the Drill artist name checks Taylor in a line which goes: "My outstanding payments swift like Taylor". The video sees Taylor continue to embrace the cottagecore aesthetic with a…
Awkwafina continued to promote her new film 'Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings' during a press day on Monday (August 23). The September 2021 cover star for Cosmopolitan was giving me some serious 'Back To School' vibes in her latest look from the PH5 Resort 2022 collection. It's really the top half of the look – cardigan and t-shirt – that's really giving…
Tiffany Haddish attended the WWE SummerSlam after party held at Delano Las Vegas at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on Saturday (August 21) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The actress is having quite a moment with Hervé Léger right now. Following her dramatic look from last week, she was back with another dress from the Fall 2021 collection. In a classic case of two becoming one,…
Dua Lipa captioned this Instagram post, "i'm a leo - can't u tell ." I did a quick google search about Leo season and it said that "Lions love to lounge in the sun and are known for being notoriously vain." Is that what she's referring to? She just spent the summer in Ibiza. I'm sure many of you expected the British singer to celebrate…
Meng'er Zhang is fast becoming one of my faves. The actress continued promoting her new film, 'Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings' this weekend with another attention-worthy look. Proof that humble basics should never be overlooked; I love how her dark green Staud knit turtleneck provides the perfect canvas that welcomes the neon bright highlighter green Greta Constantine Spring 2021 high-waist trousers. I…
Who: Zooey Deschanel's Christy Dawn The Dolly Dress - Cerulean Anemone Field Shop: Christy Dawn Where: Instagram We earn a commission when you follow the link to make a purchase.
Who: Sofia Vergara's Alex Perry Addilyn Sequined Crepe Midi Dress Shop: NET-A-PORTER Where: American's Got Talent We earn a commission when you follow the link to make a purchase.